It is compulsory for all businesses in Calgary to register their business. A registration certificate must be secured from the government.
Sole Proprietorship | Partnership | Corporation |
Choose the business structure, either Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or Corporation
Business Registration: Step 2
Choose the business name
Can Do | Cannot Do |
Business Registration: Step 3
Check the business name
Check name availability. Use the Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search (NUANS) Canada wide online system of checking names. It checks for name duplication against existing businesses in Canada. Visit the website
- Select the option Order Nuans Name Selection
- Fill the form and pay the fee online. The fee is between $15 to $30
- Receive an emailed report within 2 to 3 hours
The NUANS search report will show registered corporate names that sound similar to the proposed name. The NUANS report also suggests whether a business can use the proposed name. One report can provide results for up to three proposed names. If the proposed name does not exist, the NUANS search would actually reserve the name for 90 days.
- Fill in a business registration application form. The form is available online at
- A 2019 copy of the form is also available in the Links to Important Website section of this tool. A paper copy can be picked up from the registry office.
- The required information for the application form is: Name of the Business, Address of the Business, Phone number, Email address, Web address (if applicable) of the Business, Type of Business and Personal Information of the Owner(s)
- Submit the fee and form at the registry office
The exact fee for registration can be asked at a local registry office or by calling the Planning Service Center in Calgary at; 403-268-5311 Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
- To know the nearest registry office web search, “Registry Office Calgary”
- Have proof of identification (Driver's license, Alberta ID, Passport, PR card, or any other picture ID)when visiting the registry office
- The registry office will review the application form and will give you a proof of business registration if the given information is correct